Monday, July 23, 2012

Actron CP9580 It works!!

Actron CP9580 It works!!
A bunch of reviews talk about issues with connectivity to a PC, but I think the most important thing is: "Does it work?"

The answer: Yes!!

I recieved it in two days with free shipping, and immediately plugged it into my troublesome car. I really didn't want to give my dealership another $50 just to plug their OBD, and who know how much to fix the issue. After telling the 9580 what my car was, it immediately gave me my error codes and possible fixes, which I will decide to do or just ignore. (My car has ~195K, and I'm not sure if I want to put any more money into it.) The good thing is I have a choice. I don't want a dealer telling me what I have to do, and at what price.

The bad (or just annoying):
-If you look at the picture, the key layout is a bit illogical. Shouldn't you put the up arrow at the top and the down arrow at the bottom.
-I noticed the programming date and it is ~Jun 2010, so obviously they don't support newer cars.
-As others have reported, you can't update it.

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